We have extensive experience in the construction of new homes. From standard first homes to luxury split level homes we are confident in being able to bring your visions to life.
House and land packages
We work with several leading land developers to be able to bring you hassle-free house and land packages across many suburbs around Melbourne. We provide fixed prices guaranteeing you will have everything you need to create your ideal home. Whether you’re building a first home, investment, or a luxury dream house you’ll be impressed with the inclusions and optional upgrades offered.
Keep your location while enjoying the excitement and convenience of modern, open plan living with a brand new house. Fully customise a new home to suit your lifestyle, design and family needs without the hassle of moving.
The benefits of doing KDRB include a more affordable alternative to buying elsewhere, or renovating. It can allow you to save on: stamp duty, real estate fees & the time to find a new residence and re locate.
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